El Cautivo

Today, Saturday, December 7, through Cautivo (www.cautivo.info), remember that God has a vision for your life—one that transcends the earthly and calls you to an eternal purpose: to become more like Jesus every day. His plan for you is not based on worldly achievements but on transforming your heart, your character, and your actions to reflect the love, grace, and humility of Christ.

Let your ultimate vision be to live as Jesus lived—loving unconditionally, serving with humility, and seeking the truth with integrity. Allow this vision to guide you, aligning your decisions and goals with the divine purpose that God has prepared for you.

Today, surrender your plans to God and let His vision illuminate your path. Through His Word and His Spirit, may you find the strength to grow in faith, hope, and love, being shaped into the image of Christ.

May this blessing inspire you to live with purpose and dedication, knowing that every step toward Jesus is a step toward the fullness God desires for you!


(One Vision - Queen)

Una visión
One Vision
Un hombre, un objetivo, una misión
One man, one goal, one mission
Un corazón, un alma, solo una solución
One heart, one soul, just one solution
Un destello de luz, sí, un Dios, una visión
One flash of light, yeah, one God, one vision
Una carne, un hueso
One flesh, one bone
Una verdadera religión
One true religion
Una voz, una esperanza
One voice, one hope
Una decisión real
One real decision
Wowowowowowo dame una visión
Wowowowowowo gimme one vision
No está mal, no está bien
No wrong, no right
Te diré que no hay negro ni blanco
I'm gonna tell you there's no black and no white
Sin sangre, sin mancha
No blood, no stain
Todo lo que necesitamos es una visión mundial
All we need is one worldwide vision
Una carne, un hueso
One flesh, one bone
Una verdadera religión
One true religion
Una carrera, una esperanza
One race, one hope
Una decisión real
One real decision
Wowowowowowo oh, sí oh, sí oh, sí
Wowowowowowo oh, yeah oh, yeah oh, yeah
tuve un sueño
I had a dream
Cuando era joven
When I was young
Un sueño de dulce ilusión
A dream of sweet illusion
Un atisbo de esperanza y unidad
A glimpse of hope and unity
Y visiones de una dulce unión
And visions of one sweet union
Pero sopla un viento frío
But a cold wind blows
Y cae una lluvia oscura
And a dark rain falls
Y en mi corazón se nota
And in my heart it shows
Mira lo que le hicieron a mis sueños
Look what they've done to my dreams
Una visión
One vision
Entonces dame tus manos
So give me your hands
Dame tus corazones
Give me your hearts
Estoy listo
I'm ready
Solo hay una dirección
There's only one direction
Un mundo, una nación
One world, one nation
¡Si! Una visión
Yeah! One vision
Sin odio, sin pelea
No hate, no fight
Solo excitacion
Just excitation
Durante toda la noche
All through the night
Es una celebración
It's a celebration
Wowowowo, si
Wowowowo, yeah
Uno uno uno uno
One one one one
Una visión
One vision
Una carne, un hueso
One flesh, one bone
Una verdadera religión
One true religion
Una voz, una esperanza
One voice, one hope
Una decisión real
One real decision
Dame una luz (sí)
Gimme one light (yeah)
Dame una esperanza (hey)
Gimme one hope (hey)
Solo dame
Just gimme
Un hombre (un hombre)
One man (one man)
Un bar (una noche)
One bar (one night)
Un día (hey hey)
One day (hey hey)
Solo dame, dame, dame, dame
Just gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme
¡Pollo frito!
Fried chicken!
Visión, visión, visión, visión
Vision, vision, vision, vision